142000 настольная лампа Foscarini

добавлено:30.10.14 обновлено:22.03.19
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Производитель Foscarini
Цвет white
Uto indoor and outdoor by Foscarini
Производитель Foscarini
Артикул Uto
Дизайн Lagranja Design, 2005
Материал thermoplastic elastomer and polycarbonate
Размер (см) 320x20
Цоколь E27 standard
Лампа в комплекте no
Количество ламп 1
Мощность 12W

Uto indoor and outdoor by Foscarini Uto is a transformist, fun, pleasant to look at and to touch, thanks to the softness of its material. Uto changes according to the needs of the moment. It can be used as a floor or table lamp, hung from the wall or the ceiling, set in the living room or in the garden. Uto is a fully flexible model, and it is available in white, yellow and orange. Reassuring and familiar despite its innovative design, Uto is ideal wherever one wants to add a lighting element with a playful and chameleonlike personality. Table, floor and suspension lamp with diffused and direct light. Cone-shaped diffuser and tube made of thermoplastic elastomer, the cone is injection moulded and the tube is extruded. Internal opaline polycarbonate cone-shaped diffuser, translucent polycarbonate screen. The luminaire is supplied with an IP44 terminal for outdoor use; the box includes a plug to adapt it to an indoor lamp as well as instructions on how to shorten the tube. The ON/OFF switch is fitted inside the tube where the diffuser cone is attached.

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